
Total warhammer unique buildings
Total warhammer unique buildings

total warhammer unique buildings

Once defeated, the gate is destroyed and removed. The Gate is a special structure that provides no functionality, but works as a blockade. They receive half the base damage compared to other buildings. They are the largest building type and have a unique appearance for each faction.

total warhammer unique buildings

Similar to Villages, Strongholds provide 100 gold per turn to the occupying player. Losing a Stronghold will result in a loss for the player, similar to defeating their Commander. Strongholds are special buildings which cannot be captured. They provide the same income and are targetted as land units similar to normal Villages. Water Villages are functionally identical to regular Villages, but are positioned within water tiles (Sea, Deep Sea, and Reef).

total warhammer unique buildings

Neutral Villages earn no gold for any faction until they are captured. Each Village that a player controls will earn them 100 gold at the beginning of each turn. The primary building type, Villages generate income for players.

Total warhammer unique buildings